Spring is Busting Out All Over the Parks
From the Conservancy's Head Gardner
At Clara Coffey Park the ‘Daffodil Slope’ below the 54th Street entrance has just reached its peak. Yellow, cream and orange daffodils mingle with white leucojum under our graceful little star magnolia. As the early blooming daffodils throughout the park pass, they’ll be replaced by a rainbow of tulips, and several varieties of purple allium – the globe-shaped purple flowers on tall stems that are so popular with both parkgoers and pollinators.
The small flat clusters of green dotting the Clara Coffey center bed are returning perennials blue lobelia, coneflowers, hummingbird mint, asters and geraniums. In the shady beds, watch for the spikes of hostas pushing aside the soil, plus astilbe stems and Japanese fern fronds arising from last year’s bracken.
At 58th Street and on the Promenade, the amelanchier buds are just about ready to burst. The small trees soon will be covered with lacy white blossoms. On the Promenade, they’ll overhang the 1000 daffodil bulbs planted by volunteers last fall. These mid to late blooming daffodils are just coming in to their own, and will provide a backdrop to our stunning river view for weeks to come.
We’re glad to see the Promenade park has become a popular play space for children. Please take care not to pull up daffodil bulbs, break branches from trees and shrubs, or trample on plantings. All these flowers were planted by Conservancy volunteers last fall. And a reminder to dog owners – do not walk your dogs in any of the planted areas in the parks.
Park Maintenance Is Up to Us
Dear Park Visitor,
We depend on YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS for this year-round effort. Your generosity helps cover the costs that go with gardening, so as we wait out the coronavirus we intend to keep our gardens looking good. Please help us by sending your donation of any amount. Go to our website, suttonplaceparks.org or mail to Sutton Place Parks Conservancy, 1040 First Avenue, #322, NY, NY 10022.
While we partner with the Parks Department in many ways, we can’t depend on the Department’s limited resources, so the work of regular ongoing maintenance is the responsibility of the Conservancy, occasional professional help, and its group of dedicated volunteers.
Pat Scharlin Taylor, President
The Conservancy's mission is to restore, beautify, and enhance our Sutton Place parks. Your tax-deductible contributions help make this possible. We need your continued support and volunteer help. Please donate online by going to our website www.suttonplaceparks.org, or send your check to Sutton Place Parks Conservancy, 1040 First Avenue. #322. New York, NY 10022.
Copyright © 2018 Sutton Place Parks Conservancy, All rights reserved.
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